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PEEVE ME an idea

pet peeve nouna frequent subject of complaint

Did you know that every year on April 12th, people from all over the world celebrate National Pet Peeve Day? This lighthearted holiday gives us the opportunity to share those small daily annoyances that we all have in common. It’s become wildly popular on social media, with folks taking to Twitter and Facebook to commiserate about everything from loud chewing to grammar mistakes. Although the origin of Pet Peeve Day is unknown, the important thing is that we now have a special day to let out our frustrations! So, on April 12th, be sure to join in and share your own pet peeves. 
If you missed out on chiming in on April 12th, I have good news:

The whole second week in October is National Pet Peeve Week!!!

Some Things That Drive ME Nuts

Did you know that ‘pet peeve’ is just a fancy way to say ‘things that make us want to scream’? Whether it’s someone chewing loudly or using ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ in texts, we all have our quirky little annoyances. And let’s be real, there’s nothing quite like bonding over shared frustrations. 

Since I obviously have too much time on my hands, I will share a FEW of the things that get under my skin, just to get things started:

  • Top of my list is BULLIES and mean people in general – horrible people who stomp out other people’s light to bolster their own agendas and egos
  • The self-imposed speech impediment–In recent years, it has become popular by some to drop the “T” in the middle of a word, ie “Ba….’ol” instead of “Bottle, “Impor….’unt” instead of “Important, “Li…’el” rather than “Little”.  Unless you are from a different country where that is how things are pronounced, stop it! (I’m talking to you, news broadcasters). 
  • While I am on the subject of speaking; people who haven’t learned how to use tenses correctly; “I saw”, “I see”, “I have seen”, not “I seen”.  When defrosting something from the freezer it is thaw, not “unthaw”. 
  • BAD DRIVERS who; treat traffic signs/lights as though they are a mere suggestion, don’t bother to use signals, never have learned or cared to practice the rules of the road in general – including and especially the unlicensed and uninsured. 
  • People who call attention to themselves when they do something charitable for someone. The whole point of doing good deeds is to do them without getting caught!
  • Dog owners who don’t obey leash laws
  • Drivers who take more than one parking spot to park in 
  • RUDE people – PLEASE say “please” and “thank you”, wait your turn and clean up after yourself. Your rights and privileges end when they infringe on someone else’s

I feel so much better, getting that off my chest. I will probably add to this list, but in the meantime, I would love to know what gets under your skin.


Tell me – What are YOUR biggest Pet Peeves?

Lisa Hoveskeland

I live in Spokane, Washington and I have a passion for sharing the things I know about entertaining, cooking, healthy living, and tapping into my creative side. My two lifestyle web sites; Entertaining An Idea and Teas2Tapas, are designed to work in tandem as comprehensive resources for: Parties, Recipes and Menu Planning along with Topical Thoughts and Musings and Ideas and Insights for Creative Inspiration. EAI is my gift to friends who have enjoyed my entertaining style over the years and for future friends I have yet to meet. Join The Party and Have An Entertaining Day!

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