BRINING an idea
I am a BIG fan of brining. By brining, the turkey absorbs additional moisture, this in turn helps the turkey to stay moist and juicy - during and after cooking.
I am a BIG fan of brining. By brining, the turkey absorbs additional moisture, this in turn helps the turkey to stay moist and juicy - during and after cooking.
Fall is probably my favorite season, and part of the reason is Halloween, and the centuries-old ritual or custom of wearing costumes, or ”guising” (impersonating the spirts or souls of the dead)...
On a beautiful, warm, sunny fall day like today it is hard to believe that any day now my garden will be covered in snow and everything will look dead.
Letting go is a way of celebrating this Fall season, when deciduous trees shed their leaves. It also symbolizes taking action towards a lighter and potentially more authentic way of being in and enjoying life.
First and foremost, WARDROBE IS CRITICAL! Go shopping and know that the cuter the outfit, the better your game.
Nature provides a supportive and healing environment in which to slow down, be in the moment, and reflect on those changes.
Every year, around the 4th of July, we take a road trip to visit my husband's family.
Click Here for Playing The Edge Coaching Tina Geithner, Ph.D.tinageithner@me.comMinding an Idea VII: Minding the Body, or Using All of Our Intelligences - Tina Geithner, Ph.D.About seven years ago, I…
Habits are wired into our nervous systems and bodies. This is why it’s difficult to make changes easily. A new habit takes awareness, intention, and practice
I am not sure when my love for horse racing became a passion for me, but I could hazard a guess that it might have something to do with my childhood.