March 25th is International Waffle Day. It is known as Våffeldagen in Sweden, which is where the holiday originated.
March 25th is International Waffle Day. It is known as Våffeldagen in Sweden, which is where the holiday originated.
Blood oranges are full of Anthocyanin which is the reason for the dramatic color. They tend to be easier to peel than other oranges, are sweeter and have fewer seeds.
Galentine's Day is February 13th, the day before VALentine's Day. It is a day to celebrate with your GALentines. It also just happens to be one of my favorite peeps birthday, so I couldn't let this day slip by without a celebration
Love letters are personal, intimate and timeless. They are a piece of the soul and they share the many colors and textures of the heart. They are truth and passion infused with vulnerability, idiosyncrasy and…. well….love.
Sunday, February 7th, is a SUPERday for SUPERbowls and dishes to go along with a SUPER game day. Whether you are rooting for the Chiefs or the Buckaneers, or you don't really care who wins, I have some recipes to make the day extra SUPERscruptious.
Since this is a season for celebrations, let's talk about setting fire to food. This technique is called "flambe" and it is dramatic and fun.
Two ideas that seem to be very unlikely companions are the Pandemic and a holiday cookie exchange. Not to be denied, Eleanor Andersen and I came up with a plan.
Is it just me, or is there a sourdough revival going on these days? As my husband can attest, sourdough has always been my favorite so I am delighted that it seems to have risen to celebrity status these days. That being the case, I have a few things to share about this fabulous phenomenon, also known as wild yeast.
As with most all things this year, the Pandemic has really thrown a "monkey wrench" into the works. The idea of gathering in a large group for hours of feasting and fun is probably not the most advisable of holiday strategies. So, as the saying goes, "necessity is the mother of invention" and it's time to pivot and change the plan.
Each year, in early October, we celebrate autumn, friendship and nature's bounty with our friends at Dave and Pam's APPLE SMASH party.