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“Don’t ask what the
world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive.”
– Howard Thurman



What makes you come alive? What
do you live for? What, if taken away from you, would significantly reduce your
joy and quality of life? What makes you glad to wake up every day? What
enlivens you? These are clues to your authentic self, who you are at your

 If you’re not sure what stirs
the flames of your passion, or who that “authentic you” is, consider the flip

What sucks the life out of
you? What bores the living daylights out of you or makes you feel dead inside?
What can you easily live without (you could leave it by the wayside and not
think twice)? The things that don’t resonate with you are that you even find
aversive might tell you who you aren’t at your core.

 Take time to notice, because
life can be short, or shorter than expected. And to a large degree, we can’t
control that. However, we can be at choice in every moment.

Are your choices moving you
towards your aliveness or in the direction of the other end of that continuum?

 So slow down. Notice. What
lights you up? Is it being in nature? Spending time with your significant other
or your family? Creating? Commit to doing a little more of that in your life
today, Or, at least consider letting go of something that dims your glow or sucks
the life out of you. Vampires are overrated anyway. Because this moment is the
only moment in which we are truly alive, and in which change is possible. We
can’t change the past, and we can’t control the future. And, because the world
needs “people who have come alive”, who are developing who they are to the best
of their ability, especially now. What’s the first step in the direction of increasing
your aliveness?

Tina Geithner

Tina has a Ph.D. in Kinesiology from the University of Texas, with a specialty in Physical Development and Aging. With more than 30 Years of teaching experience in higher education including over 20 at Gonzaga, she has transitioned into part-time work as a life coach and doing some teaching in graduate leadership programs at Gonzaga life coaching, and designing and facilitating experiential workshops that integrate mindfulness, somatics, and leadership embodiment.

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