After winning the Belmont Stakes in June, Tiz the Law is the clear favorite heading into the 2020 Kentucky Derby.
After winning the Belmont Stakes in June, Tiz the Law is the clear favorite heading into the 2020 Kentucky Derby.
Too much of a good thing can get a little dull and that is when changing things up comes into play!
July 14 is known, by those who do not live in France, as Bastille Day. The French refer to it as la Fête National.
Variety is the spice of life and herbs and spices are responsible for bringing some of that variety to our lives and tables.
St. Patrick is one of Ireland's most celebrated figures, though he wasn't born Irish and his birth name wasn't Patrick, it was Maewyn Succat.
Supermoons happen when the moon's perigee - its closest approach to Earth in a single orbit - coincides with a full moon.
Blood oranges are full of Anthocyanin which is the reason for the dramatic color. They tend to be easier to peel than other oranges, are sweeter and have fewer seeds.
Love letters are personal, intimate and timeless. They are a piece of the soul and they share the many colors and textures of the heart. They are truth and passion infused with vulnerability, idiosyncrasy and…. well….love.
The holidays offer a unique opportunity to make memories with those who mean the most. For fun, here are a few memories of Thanksgiving last year, with David's family from North Dakota and Nebraska.
Each year, in early October, we celebrate autumn, friendship and nature's bounty with our friends at Dave and Pam's APPLE SMASH party.