Celebrating Entertaining An Idea's First Anniversary
Over the years, my friends would suggest to me that I make my ideas, recipes and other creative notions available for others to see and use. To that end, one year ago I decided to build a web site and name it, “Entertaining An Idea”. In addition to designing a web site full of DIY concepts, I planned to start a blog. I had never blogged, or even read a blog, but I had a clear vision of what I wanted it to be; Entertaining Ideas and Ideas to Entertain. (Eclectic just like me!) The entire point of the site is to share the things that I enjoy doing and to learn a few things along the way.
Some of my friends were skeptical, not entirely sure what I was up to and what the catch might be. In trying to explain why someone would spend so much time and effort with out any tangible benefit, I found an article that helped to explain blogging. It suggested that blogging is a sort of volunteer effort, (only on the writer’s terms). It is a way to give to others, perfect strangers in many cases, and to create community. Entertaining An Idea is a lifestyle site and resource for: healthy living, parties and entertaining, innovative recipes and techniques, ideas and insights for creative inspiration and topical thoughts and musing.
Thank you for your support and seeing me through web site development and several different versions of the EAI Newsletter. I have many more Entertaining Ideas and Ideas to Entertain and look forward to sharing them with you in the coming year.
EAI Goals For the Coming Year
This has been an exciting first year. Just this week, I received some great comments from as far away as Norway and France! YES! This year, in addition to doing more of the same, I plan to publish my murder mystery dinner party, TAPAS TO DIE FOR and have it available for purchase for Halloween 2019. The TEAS2TAPAS website will be an integral element for hosting and sharing parties. I will be developing this site over the coming year, but it is up and running now so be sure to check it out. I am also looking forward to introducing a few new contributors to the site — STAY TUNED! Finally, I have a place for you to share a good read, TITLEwave! The website https://titlewave.entertaininganidea.com will be up and running in the next few months, but for now, it would be so fantastic if you could take a few minutes and submit some of your favorite book titles here to help me get the site going.

A Very Special Thank You
I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of my friends who have contributed to Entertaining An Idea this year. Thank you to: Peggy McCartney, Booking An Idea, Tina Geithner, Minding An Idea I –XI, Pati Dahmen, Booking An Idea, and Beeing An Idea, and Julie McElroy, Gardening An Idea. Also to (not pictured), Dave and Pam Zack, Beeing An Idea, and Jude Onthank, Booking An Idea.
Thank you to all of my friends for allowing me to share their wonderful parties on my site and to all of our gracious guests who have attended the different gatherings we have hosted this past year. Finally, THANK YOU, readers, for visiting Entertaining An Idea and sharing it with your friends and family!

Lisa Hoveskeland, Peggy McCartney, Tina Geithner, Pati Dahmen and Julie McElroy

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