Just like the French toast, “Santé”, the Italian toast “Salute” and “Salude” in Spanish, the Irish toast, “Slainte”, (pronounced “slawn-che), meaning “Health”. So here is to your health and to a spectacular St. Paddy’s Day celebration!

Master the Art of Making Perfect Homemade Pizza
Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping, preferred by 36% of the people, and February 9th is National Pizza Day! I vote to try a new topping combination.

Understanding Groundhog Day: Traditions and Myths
Groundhog Day is really an astronomical holiday. It takes place in earth’s orbit around the sun, as we move between the solstices and equinoxes.

Delicious Peanut Butter Recipes for National Peanut Butter Day
Peanut Butter has its own day, January 24, and here is a collection of delicious recipes to enjoy for the occasion!

Top Soup Recipes for National Soup Month
January is NATIONAL SOUP MONTH so I am talking about a spectacular collection of steaming, scrumptious and seriously satisfying SOUP recipes to try today!

How to Host a Memorable Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving THEN and NOW and LOTS of fantastic recipes and ideas to help you celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday.

Why Italian Prune Plums Are a Fall Essential
Italian Plums are freestone, meaning they are easy to remove from the pit. Their fruit is firmer than most other plums, making them perfect to use in cooking.

Mastering Sourdough: A Beginner’s Guide
Is it just me, or is there a sourdough revival going on these days? As my husband can attest, sourdough has always been my favorite so I am delighted that it seems to have risen to celebrity status these days. That being the case, I have a few things to share about this fabulous phenomenon, also known as wild yeast.

Reflection on 9/11: Honoring Lives Lost and Service
A total of 2,996 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks, including the 19 terrorist hijackers aboard the four airplanes. Citizens of 78 countries died in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania.

Discovering Norwegian Culture: From Julebukking to Lefse
Every year, around the 4th of July, we take a road trip to visit my husband’s family.

Originally introduced by the Salvation Army to honor those of their members who served doughnuts to soldiers during World War I.
National Doughnut Day is celebrated on the first Friday of June each year.

PEEVE ME an idea
Did you know that the term ‘pet peeve’ originated in the early 1900s? It combines ‘peeve,’ meaning irritation, with ‘pet’ to represent a personal annoyance.

Beeing that April 22nd is Earth Day, it’s a great opportunity to learn about BEES. What do they do for us, what can we do for them and how do we get involved in their care?

SURVIVING my truth
“To all survivors out there, don’t let anyone rewrite your story. Your truth does matter. You matter, and you are not alone.” –Aly Raisman

Look no further for some interesting tid-bits about eggs along with tried and true recipes and things to know about buying, storing and boiling the perfect eggs.

The first thing to know about “London Broil” is that it isn’t a particular cut of beef. It CAN be flank steak, or it can be cut from the round, or leg muscles of the beef, but the best London broil is cut from the top round. When cooked using a Sous Vide Circulator, this cut of beef is as tender as any strip steak with flavor that will blow your mind!

LEAPING into February
I am happy to report that winter is getting closer to being over! In fact, just this morning, Punxsutawney Phil predicted that we will have an early spring!

Cookies have their own special day one December 4 – National Cookie Day – so NOW is the time to bake some fantastic varieties starting with these great recipes!

Which side is the gas tank on? How can an accidentally closed tab be brought back? Would a Cooks Conversion Chart be helpful? Read on for some great tips!

APPLE CIDER a smashing idea
Each year, in early October, we celebrate autumn, friendship and nature’s bounty with our friends at Dave and Pam’s APPLE SMASH party.

Our friends, Matt and Eleanor, are not new-comers to the art of throwing a spectacular Oktoberfest, so when it came time to celebrate Matt’s retirement, the theme was ‘a no-brainer’.

PIZZA! an idea
Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping, (preferred by 36% of the people), and today is the day to enjoy it!

SPRINKLE an idea
What is a baby sprinkle?
While a baby shower is usually thrown for a first baby, a baby sprinkle typically celebrates a family’s second (or more) child and has fewer guests. Think of it in terms of rain: a sprinkle of rain has less rainfall and doesn’t last as long as a rain shower.

PAWS 4 an idea
August 26th is National Dog Day and an excellent opportunity for my friends and me to celebrate by sharing a few stories about our four legged fur babies.

HONEYBEE an idea
September is HONEY MONTH and a good excuse to learn a few ideas to entertain about this BEE-autiful, BEE-guiling, un-BEE-lievably scrumptious golden nectar known as honey.

ICE CREAM an idea
Did you know that more ice cream is sold on Sunday than any other day of the week? July is National Ice Cream Month and I have recipes!

Variety is the spice of life and herbs and spices are responsible for bringing some of that variety to our lives and tables.

March 25th is International Waffle Day. It is known as Våffeldagen in Sweden, which is where the holiday originated.

POPCORN an idea
One of my favorite snacks, (and sometimes meals) is popcorn and there are many ways to enjoy this crunchy kernel of deliciousness. Lucky for us, January 19th is National Popcorn Day.

Mardi Gras, also known as Carnival, has a moveable date and may occur on any Tuesday from February 3rd to March 9th. It always falls 46 days before Easter.

Peanut butter is a great source of protein, essential vitamins and minerals, it can improve heart health, help build and repair muscles, manage blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of breast disease and it is favorite of adults and children alike.

National Cookie Day is December 4th and a perfect opportunity to bake up some of your favorite recipes and try some new ones.

It’s SOUP!
Baby it’s COLD outside and a scrumptious hot bowl of soup is just the ticket for a wintery day!

The words “journal” and “journey” are derived from the same root, “jour,” a French word which means “day.”

Efficient Life Hacks for Everyday Tasks
Which side is the gas tank on? How can an accidentally closed tab be brought back? Would a Cooks Conversion Chart be helpful? Read on for some great tips!

Potatoes are good for the stomach, spleen, and intestines and can boost heart health, improve digestion and strengthen the immune system.

Each year on Memorial Day, A national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 PM local time. To all of our heros, THANK YOU!

CHIPPING an idea
Though the classic Toll House myth is a fun story, many doubt that the invention of the chocolate chip cookie actually happened out of happenstance.

It’s that time of year again to watch the run for the roses, aka THE MOST EXCITING TWO MINUTES IN SPORTS!

April 29th is National Shrimp Scampi day and a perfect opportunity to indulge in this spectacularly delicious bowl of nervana!

March 25th is International Waffle Day. It is known as Våffeldagen in Sweden, which is where the holiday originated.

If you are looking for some interesting tid-bits about eggs and some great recipes and things to know about buying, storing and boiling the perfect eggs, look no further!

SLAINTE an idea
After the year we have just lived through, I can’t think of a more fitting toast than SLAINTE! To your health, to your safety, to your well being.

SOUPING UP an idea
Baby it’s COLD outside and a scrumptious hot bowl of soup is just the ticket for a wintery day!

National Cookie Day is December 4th and a perfect opportunity to bake up some of your favorite recipes and try some new ones.

For this party, the theme was PIZZA AND PUMPKINS! The evening was designed to embrace both our inner-child and culinary creativity.

A total of 2,996 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks, including the 19 terrorist hijackers aboard the four airplanes. Citizens of 78 countries died in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania.

Nothing says summer to me more than the delicious huckleberry. I have picked and enjoyed this delightful berry since I can remember and my affection for them has never waned.

CREPE an idea
July 14 is known, by those who do not live in France, as Bastille Day. The French refer to it as la Fête National. Whatever you call it, it is a great opportunity to enjoy a French pancake, also known as a crêpe.

Sous vide, (pronounced “sue veed”), refers to a cooking method whereby food is sealed and cooked in a temperature controlled water bath.

ROAD TRIP an idea
Every year, around the 4th of July, we take a road trip to visit my husband’s family.

PARKING an idea
June 18th is International Picnic Day and a wonderful excuse to visit a park, with a picnic of course!

After a long year (plus) of living in quarantine, gathering for celebrations is finally a more doable proposition–just in time for our nephews high school graduation!

Beeing that April 22nd is Earth Day, it’s a great opportunity to learn about BEES. What do they do for us, what can we do for them and how do we get involved in their care.

March 25th is International Waffle Day. It is known as Våffeldagen in Sweden, which is where the holiday originated.

Health Benefits of Blood Oranges Explained
Blood oranges are full of Anthocyanin which is the reason for the dramatic color. They tend to be easier to peel than other oranges, are sweeter and have fewer seeds.

Galentine’s Day is February 13th, the day before VALentine’s Day. It is a day to celebrate with your GALentines. It also just happens to be one of my favorite peeps birthday, so I couldn’t let this day slip by without a celebration

Love letters are personal, intimate and timeless. They are a piece of the soul and they share the many colors and textures of the heart. They are truth and passion infused with vulnerability, idiosyncrasy and…. well….love.

Sunday, February 7th, is a SUPERday for SUPERbowls and dishes to go along with a SUPER game day. Whether you are rooting for the Chiefs or the Buckaneers, or you don’t really care who wins, I have some recipes to make the day extra SUPERscruptious.

FEBRUARY an idea
Have an Entertaining Month with Entertaining An Idea! Here is a list of many of the fun things happening in the month of February.

BURNING an idea
Since this is a season for celebrations, let’s talk about setting fire to food. This technique is called “flambe” and it is dramatic and fun.

Two ideas that seem to be very unlikely companions are the Pandemic and a holiday cookie exchange. Not to be denied, Eleanor Andersen and I came up with a plan.

Is it just me, or is there a sourdough revival going on these days? As my husband can attest, sourdough has always been my favorite so I am delighted that it seems to have risen to celebrity status these days. That being the case, I have a few things to share about this fabulous phenomenon, also known as wild yeast.

As Thanksgiving day comes to an end, my heart is filled with gratitude for the wonderful people in our lives.

As with most all things this year, the Pandemic has really thrown a “monkey wrench” into the works. The idea of gathering in a large group for hours of feasting and fun is probably not the most advisable of holiday strategies. So, as the saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention” and it’s time to pivot and change the plan.

Each year, in early October, we celebrate autumn, friendship and nature’s bounty with our friends at Dave and Pam’s APPLE SMASH party.

COFFEE an idea
This magical concoction is a spectacular concert of sweet, luscious and creamy-topped with a delightful mouthful of coffee.

After winning the Belmont Stakes in June, Tiz the Law is the clear favorite heading into the 2020 Kentucky Derby.

BOOKING an idea: Book Clubs – Getting A Virtual Make-Over
COVID 19 has caused us to either cancel, delay or modify beyond recognition things like dining out, exercising, sporting events, shopping, schooling, travel, BOOK CLUBS….

GUIDING an idea
Though some things seem to be getting a little more complicated, here are some great ideas to help you navigate these times with a little more ease, style and fun.

Too much of a good thing can get a little dull and that is when changing things up comes into play!

BASTILLE an idea
July 14 is known, by those who do not live in France, as Bastille Day. The French refer to it as la Fête National.

Variety is the spice of life and herbs and spices are responsible for bringing some of that variety to our lives and tables.

GROWING an idea
I am a WSU Master Gardener volunteer and usually spend quite a bit of time in our plant clinic that is a place the public comes to get help with all things gardening. Since our clinic is closed due to Covid-19 I have an abundance of time to spend in my own garden, which is my happy place.

PLANTING an idea
It is spring and at no time, at least in recent memory, have I ever been so delighted to be outside in our yard enjoying the sunshine. It is particularly gratifying to see how well our new garden that we planted last spring is doing.

BEEING an idea
Beeing that April 22nd is Earth Day, it’s a great opportunity to learn about BEES. What do they do for us, what can we do for them and how do we get involved in their care.

IRISHING an idea
St. Patrick is one of Ireland’s most celebrated figures, though he wasn’t born Irish and his birth name wasn’t Patrick, it was Maewyn Succat.

MOONING an idea
Supermoons happen when the moon’s perigee – its closest approach to Earth in a single orbit – coincides with a full moon.

ORANGING an idea
Blood oranges are full of Anthocyanin which is the reason for the dramatic color. They tend to be easier to peel than other oranges, are sweeter and have fewer seeds.

Love letters are personal, intimate and timeless. They are a piece of the soul and they share the many colors and textures of the heart. They are truth and passion infused with vulnerability, idiosyncrasy and…. well….love.

Exploring Switzerland: A Travel Journal
The words “journal” and “journey” are derived from the same root, “jour,” a French word which means “day.”

Set Your 2020 Vision: Embrace Possibilities
With a new year, brings renewal, opportunity, and self-reflection. It is a time for a new beginning and a chance to reset, set some goals and begin again.

Thanksgiving Memories and Recipes to Share
The holidays offer a unique opportunity to make memories with those who mean the most. For fun, here are a few memories of Thanksgiving last year, with David’s family from North Dakota and Nebraska.

Quick Mug Cake Recipe: A Fun Gift Idea
I recently learned about making single serving cakes in a mug. You simple take any flavor cake mix, mix in water and chocolate chips and microwave for 50 seconds. Top with a squirt of aerated whipping cream and enjoy.

Host a Memorable Oktoberfest Retirement Party
Our friends, Matt and Eleanor, are not new-comers to the art of throwing a spectacular Oktoberfest, so when it came time to celebrate Matt’s retirement, the theme was ‘a no-brainer’. Germany is where this spectacular couple met many moons ago, and Matt’s retirement party was to happen in October so there you have it; an Oktoberfest to top all Oktoberfests was in the making!

SMASHING an idea
Each year, in early October, we celebrate autumn, friendship and nature’s bounty with our friends at Dave and Pam’s APPLE SMASH party.

Today marks the 18th anniversary of the terror attacks on September 11, 2001 in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. It is a day to remember our heros.

Celebrating National Dog Day: Fun Facts and Treats
August 26th is National Dog Day and an opportune time for my friends and I to exchange ideas on how we TREAT our fur babies and to learn a few fun facts about our cuddly canine companions.

My husband’s birthday is coming up in a few days. Since it is a big birthday, I am planning a “BIG” party.

HORSING an idea
It’s that time of year again to watch the run for the roses, aka THE MOST EXCITING TWO MINUTES IN SPORTS!

WAFFLING an idea
March 25th is International Waffle Day. It is known as Våffeldagen in Sweden, which is where the holiday originated.

CHILE-an idea
National Drink Wine Day is fast upon us. February 18th gives us yet another reason to raise a glass, and celebrate with friends and family.

Entertaining is an honor and a privilege. It is an intimate way to build, develop and nurture relationships and to express myself in a creative way.

Celebrations are all around, and whether it is for family, friends or coworkers, we all need that perfect something to wrap up in ribbons. What better way to share the holiday spirit than with a bottle of sparkling wine, that harbinger of the holidays, Champagne!

One year ago, I decided to build a web site and name it, “Entertaining An Idea”. In addition to designing a web site full of DIY concepts, I planned to start a blog.

BRINING an idea
I am a BIG fan of brining. By brining, the turkey absorbs additional moisture, this in turn helps the turkey to stay moist and juicy – during and after cooking.

On a beautiful, warm, sunny fall day like today it is hard to believe that any day now my garden will be covered in snow and everything will look dead.

COURTING an idea
First and foremost, WARDROBE IS CRITICAL! Go shopping and know that the cuter the outfit, the better your game.

VISITING an idea
Every year, around the 4th of July, we take a road trip to visit my husband’s family.

CROWNING an idea
I am not sure when my love for horse racing became a passion for me, but I could hazard a guess that it might have something to do with my childhood.

The Kentucky Derby is the longest running sporting event in the United States and has continuously produced “the most exciting 2 minutes in sport”.

EGGING an idea
You have heard the saying, “you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs”. In order to get something good or useful, you must give up something else.

LOVING an idea
The heart of the matter is that it is the heart that matters. To have optimal cardiovascular health, your emotional and spiritual heart is just as important as your

It is New Years Eve and we will soon be saying goodbye to 2017 and hello to 2018. 2017 brought us some things to remember and some to forget.

MULLING an idea
This year was a spectacularly abundant year for apples so we brought home a little extra cider and froze it to use later. “Later” has arrived!

Madeleine Rose stands at the head of the table, checking every detail to ensure that her dinner party is on track.

FROSTING an idea
The days have gotten shorter and colder and the frost and snow have already made an early entrance. It’s time for holiday parties!

ROASTING an idea
By Lisa Hoveskeland Tell Me Watchathink We are getting closer to the main event. I am a big fan of brining the turkey so today

Thanksgiving is an occasion to spend quality time with friends and family, time to pause and acknowledge our blessings and to express gratitude.